Questions? Need help joining the Institute? Email us 
at or call 866-928-1237.

Catholicism 101

Catholicism 101 is an instructional and engaging video series presenting the basic truths of the Catholic faith over the course of 20 videos.

Get started today for free!

Introducing Catholicism 101

Catholicism 101 is an instructional and engaging video series presenting 
the basic truths of the Catholic faith over the course of 20 videos.

Get started today for free!

Science and Religion in 
Modern Astronomy

with Karin Öberg 

Watch the course trailer above!

Science and Religion in 
Modern Astronomy

with Karin Öberg 

Watch the course trailer above!

Course Overview

Presented by a range of contemporary evangelists—including Sr. Josephine Garrett, Fr. Stephen Gadberry, actor Jonathan Roumie from the “Chosen” series, and many more—Catholicism 101 will help you catechize, evangelize, and encourage others to proclaim Christ in the culture.

Course Overview

Presented by a range of contemporary evangelists—including Sr. Josephine Garrett, Fr. Stephen Gadberry, actor 
Jonathan Roumie from the “Chosen” series, and many more—Catholicism 101 will help you catechize, evangelize, 
and encourage others to proclaim Christ in the culture.

Featured Instructors

Fr. Stephen Gadberry 

Rachel Bulman 

Fr. Blake Britton 

Jonathan Roumie

Sr. Josephine Garrett

Matt Nelson

Jackie Angel

Featured Instructors

Fr. Stephen Gadberry 

Rachel Bulman 

Fr. Blake Britton 

Jonathan Roumie

Sr. Josephine Garrett

Matt Nelson

Jackie Angel

Course Content

Course Content

Taught by Fr. Stephan Gadberry

The Revelation of God
Mystical Body of the Church
Following Jesus 

Taught by Fr. Blake Britton


Taught by Rachel Bulman

Creation and Man
The Fall 
Paschal Mystery 
The Mass 

Taught by Matt Nelson

Salvation History
Catholic Social Teaching
Understanding the Bible 

Taught by Sr. Josephine Garrett

Mary, the Mother of God

Taught by Jackie Angel

Baptism and Confirmation

Taught by Jonathan Roumie

Marriage and Ordination
The Modern World
The Last Things

Lesson 1 

The Revelation of God 
– Fr. Stephen Gadberry

Lesson 2 

Creation and Man 
– Rachel Bulman

Lesson 3 

The Fall 
– Rachel Bulman

Lesson 4 

Salvation History 
– Matt Nelson

Lesson 5 

– Sr. Josephine Garrett

Lesson 6

Paschal Mystery 
– Rachel Bulman

Lesson 7

Mystical Body of the Church 
– Fr. Stephen Gadberry

Lesson 8

Mary, the Mother of God 
– Sr. Josephine Garrett

Lesson 9 

– Fr. Blake Britton

Lesson 10

Baptism and Confirmation 
– Jackie Angel

Lesson 11

– Fr. Blake Britton

Lesson 12

– Jackie Angel

Lesson 13 

The Mass 
– Rachel Bulman

Lesson 14 

Marriage and Ordination 
– Jonathan Roumie

Lesson 15

– Sr. Josephine Garrett

Lesson 16

Following Jesus 
– Fr. Stephen Gadberry

Lesson 17 

Catholic Social Teaching 
– Matt Nelson

Lesson 18 

Understanding the Bible 
– Matt Nelson

Lesson 19

The Modern World 
– Jonathan Roumie

Lesson 20 

The Last Things 
– Jonathan Roumie

Join Bishop Barron and over 21,000 evangelists inside the Word on Fire Institute today! 

Join Bishop Barron and over 21,000 evangelists inside the Word on Fire Institute today! 

The Word on Fire 
Institute is a global evangelical community that supplies members 
with the resources they 
need to proclaim Christ 
to secular culture.

The Word on Fire 
Institute is a global evangelical community 
that supplies members 
with the resources they 
need to proclaim Christ 
to secular culture.


Learn about theology, philosophy, and evangelization from experts in the field


Read the Institute quarterly journal that features literature, culture, and daily life


Explore wide-ranging discussions, weekly sermons, and films with Word on Fire Digital


Exclusive online communities, forums, and in-person events across the United States


Learn about theology, philosophy, and evangelization from experts in the field


Read the Institute quarterly journal that features literature, culture, and daily life


Explore wide-ranging discussions, weekly sermons, and films with Word on Fire Digital


Exclusive online communities, forums, and in-person events across the United States

The Word on Fire 
Institute is a global evangelical community 
that supplies members 
with the resources they 
need to proclaim Christ 
to secular culture.


Learn about theology, philosophy, and evangelization from experts in the field


Read the Institute quarterly journal that features literature, culture, and daily life 


Explore wide-ranging discussions, weekly sermons, and films with Word on Fire Digital 


Exclusive online communities, forums, and in-person events across the United States 

Get Access to Our Library of 30+ Online Courses

Get Access to Our Library of  30+ Online Courses

The Word on Fire Institute offers excellent formation through practical, dynamic courses in theology, philosophy, culture, apologetics, and evangelization.
The Word on Fire Institute offers excellent formation through practical, dynamic courses in theology, philosophy, culture, apologetics, and evangelization.


The 5 S’s of Effective Evangelization
The People You Will Meet
Evangelizing the Open-Minded

Theology & Philosophy

Happiness and the Meaning of Life
The Theology of Hans Urs von Balthasar
Science For Evangelists


Re-enchanting the Secular
Seven Myths About the Catholic Church
Catholicism and Comedy

... And many more


The 5 S's of Effective Evangelization

The People You Will Meet

Evangelizing the Open-Minded

Theology & Philosophy

Happiness and the Meaning of Life

The Theology of Hans Urs von Balthasar

Science For Evangelists


Re-enchanting the Secular

From Books to Ballads: How Great Writers Form Wise Catholics

Understanding the “Nones” and How to Reach Them

... And many more

Evangelization & Culture, the Journal of the 
Word on Fire Institute, is published quarterly 
and offered exclusively to Word on Fire Institute 
members. It exists to be a tangible representation 
of the Word on Fire Institute’s mission and goal: 
to lead with beauty in order to bring others to 
the knowledge of truth. It features academic 
writing from premier theologians and inspiring 
bits of literature, culture, and daily life from fellow 
missionaries on the journey to know and serve Christ.

Evangelization & Culture, the Journal of the Word on Fire Institute, is published quarterly and offered exclusively to Word on Fire Institute members. It exists to be a tangible representation of the Word on Fire Institute’s mission and goal: to lead with beauty in order to bring others to the knowledge of truth. It features academic writing from premier theologians and inspiring bits of literature, culture, and daily life from fellow missionaries on the journey to know and serve Christ.

Join our community!

Our online community is full of theological and practical threads that discuss the content and concepts offered within each Word on Fire Institute course. But the forums are also filled with the questions, musings, and prayers of other incredible people on the same mission—to encounter Christ and to share that encounter with the world.

Join our community!

Our online community is full of theological and practical threads that discuss the content and concepts offered within each Word on Fire Institute course. But the forums are also filled with the questions, musings, and prayers of other incredible people on the same mission — to encounter Christ and to share that encounter with the world. 

What you get when you join today:

• A new member welcome box

• A quarterly copy of the Evangelization & Culture journal

• Access to all of Bishop Barron's films and study programs, and 30+ online courses on science, theology, evangelization, writing, happiness, and more!

• All-access pass for Word on Fire Digital ($800+ value!)

• Early access to some of Word on Fire’s new books and products

Membership: Free for 30 days then $27 a month

NOTE: After the first 30 days of your membership your card will be charged $27 per month. Your card will not be charged until after the first 30 days. There are no contracts and you may cancel at any time by simply calling or emailing customer support.

**Please note: The $27 monthly fee covers your Institute subscription and is not a tax-deductible donation to Word on Fire.**

Need help? Have questions?

Call: (866) 928-1237 ext. 2. or email

What you get when you join today:

• A new member welcome gift

• A quarterly copy of the Evangelization & Culture journal

• Access to all of Bishop Barron's films and study programs, and 30+ online courses on science, theology, evangelization, writing, happiness, and more!

• Early access to some of Word on Fire’s new books and products

Membership: FREE for 30 days, then $27/month

NOTE: After the first 30 days of your membership your card will be charged $27/month. Your card will not be charged until after the first 30 days. There are no contracts and you may cancel at any time by simply calling or emailing customer support.

**Please note: The $27 monthly fee covers your Institute subscription and is not a tax-deductible donation to Word on Fire.**

Need help? Have questions?

Call: (866) 928-1237 ext. 2. or email

Copyright © 2022 - Word on Fire Catholic Ministries

Copyright © 2023 - Word on Fire Catholic Ministries